When creating Take Care I wanted it to feel inviting and comforting, full of hand-drawn illustrations and doodles. I have always loved the art of carefully crafted sketchbook pages full of stickers, tape, and cut paper. I wanted to emulate that style in this book to give it a lived-in feel.
The illustrations are based on each type of self care, as well as to help generate ideas of what self care can mean to you. This how-to book also has activity areas where you can fill in answers about yourself and get in touch with the practices that best fit you.
Monica Brodovsky
Copy Writing
A how-to book to guide you through the complicated and personal journey of self care. While self care has become popular in the last couple of years, there is a lack of guidelines on how to personalize your self care or begin a routine at all. Look no further than this illustrated how-to book, that doubles as a journal, to help you understand what type of self care is best for you.
Take Care:
The How-
To Manual